Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Universal Brass Catcher - ArmsVault

Universal Brass Catcher
by ArmsVault

Semi-automatic guns, whether pistols, rifles or shotguns, are fun and easy to shoot. So fun and easy to shoot, in fact, that one can easily find himself expending multiple boxes of ammunition in a single session. Once the firing is over, though, many of us will want to pick up our spent cases. This is, shall we say, not so fun - ejected brass has an amazing knack for finding its way into the hardest to-reach areas possible. Picking it up usually involves a lot of bending over, crawling around and reaching into dark, dirty corners of the shooting area. Plus, if you're sharing a shooting area with other people, there's always the hassle of your brass getting mixed in with theirs, stepped on, or otherwise hazarded.

Fortunately, a company called CTK Precision offers a brass catcher that is well-designed, sturdy and portable. I had the opportunity to test it with both a rifle and a pistol, and I came away very favorably impressed.

Features of the CTK Brass Catcher

The CTK brass catcher, unlike many other models, is of a stand-alone design. There's no need to strap it to your wrist or somehow attach it to the gun. This alone makes the CTK catcher more convenient and usable than most others.

The first thing you notice about the CTK brass catcher is its generous opening, which offers over 225 square inches of catching space. While this might not seem like a big deal, consider that the larger the catching area is, the further from your gun you can place the catcher and still have it perform effectively. This is a brass catcher that won't get in your way while you're shooting.

And yes, that is a left-handed AR-15 in the picture. The brass catcher works from either side!

Click here to read the entire review

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